Imaginostics CEO Speaks About Healthy Aging Technology at Harvard Catalyst Panel
Baby Boomers are leading more active lives than their predecessors, and technology will play an important role in helping these individuals stay healthier longer. Dr. Codi Gharazouloo discussed these themes alongside three other tech innovators during the Harvard Catalyst Panel on healthy aging and technology on Thursday, June 6.
Dr. Ghragouzloo described his invention, the QUTE-CE MRI method, which can possibly diagnose dementia many years before symptoms appear. The breakthrough technology creates “exquisite vascular images that are like a brain map,” he said. Using his method, physicians can look for patterns of vascular abnormalities as biomarkers of early disease.
Additional panelists included:
- Jake Reisch, Co-Founder and CEO, Eversound
- Phil Kongtcheu, Founder and CEO, eMotionRx, Inc
- Brian Mullen, innovation strategy manager, Brigham Digital Innovation Hub
Read the full article on the Harvard News & Research website: